Reward Challenge: A designated swimmer would swim out into the ocean to retrieve a key and swim back. The swimmer would hand the key to the designated strong person to unlock a chain around two bundles of heavy logs. The logs would have to be carried to the next station where a designated agile person would use the log bundles to climb on top of a balance beam. The agile person would need to pull a second key along a rope twisted around the balance beam while remaining on top of the balance beam. At the final stage, a designated smart person would use the second key to unlock a bag of puzzle pieces and use them to assemble a statue. The first tribe to assemble their statue would win.
Reward: Flint
Immunity Challenge: Six members from each tribe would race across a series of three wooden A-frames carrying three coils of rope. At the end of the course, the six would use the rope to pull a heavy wooden crate across a ramp and up to the finish platform. The four remaining tribe members would disassemble the crate to use as puzzle pieces. The first tribe to solve the puzzle would win.
The castaways rowed ashore on four longboats in silence already divided into tribes called Foa Foa and Galu. Jeff instructed the tribes that they would elect a leader of their tribe without speaking to one another, handing out a parchment and pen to each castaway to record their vote. Galu elected Russell S. Foa Foa elected Mick. Mick and Russell S. came forward to make their first leadership decision by selecting participants in the first Reward Challenge. Jeff told the leaders to select their tribe's best swimmer, Jaison and John; the strongest person, Russell and Erik; the most agile, Marisa and Yasmin; and the smartest person, Liz and Shambo. Jaison gave Foa Foa a huge lead during the swimming leg of the challenge and they never lost the lead, though Shambo made up a lot of ground during the puzzle assembly. Dave and Erik were very disappointed in John's performance during the swim leg. Jeff gave the tribes maps to their new homes and sent them on their way. At Foa Foa, Mick ceded leadership of setting up their camp to Ben. Russell quickly made secret alliances with Ashley, Betsy, Marisa, and Natalie, though Betsy was suspicious and didn't trust him. At Galu, Russell S. kept going in his leadership role and took charge of setting up camp. John wanting to talk over how to build their shelter annoyed Shambo. Back on Foa Foa, Russell told a completely fabricated story to the tribe that he was a fireman, a survivor of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Louisiana and that he lost his German Shepherd in the storm in order to get their sympathy. In the middle of the night, Russell emptied all of the water in everybody's canteens and burned Jaison's socks in order to make the rest of the castaways miserable, thinking that if he could control how his tribe felt, he could control how they think, and further himself in the game. His strategy seemed to work when Ben and Marisa argued the next morning. Galu avenged their loss at the Reward Challenge and won the first Immunity Challenge. In addition to winning Tribal Immunity, Jeff also gave Galu a flint. Mike talked to others in his tribe that they should vote out the physically weakest, who he thought was Ashley. Marisa suspected Russell was up to something and she told him that she was uncomfortable with him, so he immediately targeted her for elimination. Betsy told Natalie that she didn't trust Russell. At the Tribal Council, Russell's plan to eliminate Marisa came together and she was voted out 7-3.
The castaways rowed ashore on four longboats in silence already divided into tribes called Foa Foa and Galu. Jeff instructed the tribes that they would elect a leader of their tribe without speaking to one another, handing out a parchment and pen to each castaway to record their vote. Galu elected Russell S. Foa Foa elected Mick. Mick and Russell S. came forward to make their first leadership decision by selecting participants in the first Reward Challenge. Jeff told the leaders to select their tribe's best swimmer, Jaison and John; the strongest person, Russell and Erik; the most agile, Marisa and Yasmin; and the smartest person, Liz and Shambo. Jaison gave Foa Foa a huge lead during the swimming leg of the challenge and they never lost the lead, though Shambo made up a lot of ground during the puzzle assembly. Dave and Erik were very disappointed in John's performance during the swim leg. Jeff gave the tribes maps to their new homes and sent them on their way. At Foa Foa, Mick ceded leadership of setting up their camp to Ben. Russell quickly made secret alliances with Ashley, Betsy, Marisa, and Natalie, though Betsy was suspicious and didn't trust him. At Galu, Russell S. kept going in his leadership role and took charge of setting up camp. John wanting to talk over how to build their shelter annoyed Shambo. Back on Foa Foa, Russell told a completely fabricated story to the tribe that he was a fireman, a survivor of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Louisiana and that he lost his German Shepherd in the storm in order to get their sympathy. In the middle of the night, Russell emptied all of the water in everybody's canteens and burned Jaison's socks in order to make the rest of the castaways miserable, thinking that if he could control how his tribe felt, he could control how they think, and further himself in the game. His strategy seemed to work when Ben and Marisa argued the next morning. Galu avenged their loss at the Reward Challenge and won the first Immunity Challenge. In addition to winning Tribal Immunity, Jeff also gave Galu a flint. Mike talked to others in his tribe that they should vote out the physically weakest, who he thought was Ashley. Marisa suspected Russell was up to something and she told him that she was uncomfortable with him, so he immediately targeted her for elimination. Betsy told Natalie that she didn't trust Russell. At the Tribal Council, Russell's plan to eliminate Marisa came together and she was voted out 7-3.
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